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January 5, 2024 Click here to mail this page to a friend.
Ignoring Clint Eastwood's advice in "Dirty Harry" that opinions, like certain body parts, are best kept to yourself.
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Recently, I told subscribers to my website and newsletter that, after 20 years or so of doing this, I'm taking some time off. How much? Depends. Sorry, a word we seniors try not to use. (Not getting my periodic newsletter? Send me an email and tell me and I'll get you on the mailing list.)

But, I still find myself scouring the internet looking for interesting articles and websites. I thought I knew a lot about my favorite topic, World War II, but late last night, I learned I didn't know as much as I thought. Did you know about this?
Soldiers fighting on Ramree Island in 1945 faced a more treacherous foe than any human enemy-the saltwater crocodile. A strategic battle for control of the isle, located just north of Rangoon, Burma, resulted in crocodile attacks on Japanese troops in a mangrove swamp. The exact number of men killed by crocodiles remains a mystery, but British survivors of the battle estimated that about 1,000 Japanese were attacked by the giant reptiles.
Soldiers fighting on Ramree Island in 1945 faced a more treacherous foe than any human enemy-the saltwater crocodile. A strategic battle for control of the isle, located just north of Rangoon, Burma, resulted in crocodile attacks on Japanese troops in a mangrove swamp. The exact number of men killed by crocodiles remains a mystery, but British survivors of the battle estimated that about 1,000 Japanese were attacked by the giant reptiles.

From the article:
The swamp that Duff recalled was a mangrove forest. Such swamps are natural habitats for saltwater crocodiles, which thrive in coastal environments and use ocean currents to travel. “Salties” are unique in their ability to survive for long periods without food, and opportunistically prey on creatures that stray into their environment. The crocodiles will eat prey dead or alive, swallowing victims whole whenever possible. They can grow up to 20 feet long and have been known to attack large animals, including bulls. The saltwater crocodile is alleged to have the strongest bite pressure of any living animal. According to the Australian Reptile Park in Sydney, an adult saltwater crocodile “will eat almost anything that comes too close.”

Everglades National Park in Southern Florida has saltwater crocodiles living in mangrove forest swamps, similar to what is found on Ramree Island in Burma. That's about 150 miles or so from where I am now in the motorhome, parked at the Seminole Indian casino in Immokalee, where they offer 3 days of free RV parking with free electricity, hoping, of course, that you'll venture inside and lose a bundle playing the one-armed bandits or at the gaming tables.

I was thinking about going down to the Everglades to check things out. They say those crocodile are a lot more dangerous than the alligators, often twice the size, up to 20' long and weighing up to 2,000 pounds, crocs will lay in wait just below the water and come right out almost instantly to grab you. Australia reports about a thousand deaths a year from these critters.

Maybe going to Seaworld would be safer, or that miniature golf course I passed on the way here. I read an article this week that Americans, on average, abandon their "New Year's Resolutions" within 3 months, some within 3 days.

I may be back updating my aviation website sooner than I planned.

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