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August 19, 2020 Click here to mail this page to a friend.
Ignoring Clint Eastwood's advice in "Dirty Harry" that opinions, like certain body parts, are best kept to yourself.
The Women of Enron

A 2002 article in the Washington Post about Playboy magazine provided temporary employment for several women laid-off from the failing Enron corporation.Clicking on the magazine cover to the left will take you to a 2002 article in the Washington Post about how Playboy magazine provided temporary employment for several women laid-off from the failing Enron corporation.

Back in 2002, I was still brokering airplanes, and one day I got a call from a fellow wanting to sell his Ercoupe. "A really nice airplane", he said, "and at the moment it is kind of famous." Turns out, his girlfriend was recently laid-off from Enron, now closed up and in terrible financial condition. Fortunately, according to my new client, she was a pretty attractive lady and in a group hired by Playboy magazine to be featured in an article, with photos of their very obvious assets.

When the photographer asked if she could suggest a location for the photoshoot, the young lady replied, "Well, my boyfriend has an airplane ..."

"I have photos of the plane", my seller said, "and the one Playboy took, should get a lot of attention".

And it did. I had hundreds of inquiries about that airplane, suddenly everybody wanted to buy a 1946 Ercoupe. Not wanting to get in trouble with any straight-laced web visitors, rather than show the photo as it was taken, I covered the woman up with a sign telling readers how they could enjoy this, by sending me an email and I would send them back the photo. I remember getting about 500 emails in the next couple of days, and the airplane sold quickly.

Click here to see some real aviation beauty.

You too, can see this great airplane, and the woman responsible for the quick sale, by clicking on the photo. Remember, you wanted this, don't complain to me later.

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I enjoyed your method of sales ability. You are quite the author. You should write a book. - Meredith in North Dakota
Ron says: Having spent 35 years in organized crime (the banking business) I have a lot of stories to tell, know where the bodies are buried, and it is on my "bucket list".

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My daughter Sarah is convinced that if I don't get in for an annual physical I'm going to fall right over. She obviously didn't see the cover of a recent issue of ''Men's Health'' magazine . Thank you, Paint Shop Pro.

If the wind damage swath extends more than 240 miles and includes gusts of at least 58 mph, the event may be classified as a derecho.

Among the least visited parks in the nation, Voyageurs is an uncrowded spot to take in the night sky and northern Minnesota's chilly waters.

In 536 A.D. volcanic eruption blocked out the sun for 18 months causing crop failures and widespread famine, and was the worst global disaster in history.

During the day, the South Dakota wind brushes the diamonds in her star quilt, causing blue shades to twinkle in the sunlight. At night, she stands illuminated and strong. She is Dignity.

More than 40 percent of seniors regularly experience loneliness. This feeling of separation may result in health problems and even death.

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Specifications are based upon owner's representations and subject to buyer's verification. Aircraft are subject to prior sale or removal from market. Occasionally, registration numbers on photos may be altered or removed to protect the privacy of the owner, and to ensure that buyers will work with us to complete the purchase.