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While not provided the same level of rights and protection as service animals, people with emotional support animals do enjoy certain rights People have been crossing their fingers for luck for centuries. When Hillary gets pressed with an uncomfortable question, she bursts into laughter. Back in 2007, the New York Times tried to figure it out. One of the best gadgets for travelers may already be in your pocket.
It's Howdy Doody time! The IRS would like to scare you into remembering to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's by telling you what they did to those that didn't. In earlier generations it was common to keep a diary or personal journal.   Today few people do it, and very few recognize the value of keeping a journal. A clever 9 minute movie that is NSFW because of the language, but if you overlook that, it is entertaining.
The H-2 guest worker program isn’t supposed to deprive any American of a job, but businesses go to extraordinary lengths to deny jobs to U.S. workers. There's music for every occasion, there's music for every emotion, and at this time of year, music is everywhere. looked into the claims made by emails circulating on the net about all those ''sealed records'' that would prove President Obama is unfit for office. Calvin and Hobbes and the Far Side both closed up shop in 1995, but their legacies live on.
The USS Yorktown CV-10 participated significantly in the Pacific Offensive that began in late 1943 and ended with the defeat of Japan in 1945. Avialogs promotes conservation of aviation related literature and documents, making them available on the internet. Does your state have more takers than makers? The flawed system that allows companies to make millions off of injured, sometimes desperate people who often aren't very bright.
The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) ''12 Planes of Christmas'' campaign is your chance to support the restoration and operation of World War II aircraft. Members of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, known as ''Pastafarians'', have their own way of celebrating the holidays. According to the author, Christianity was invented by the Romans as a political tool to control the masses of the day, and it is still being used this way today. Bad Poetry, Great Booze: The Story Of The Hidden Bootlegger's Manual
The unique culture of Newfoundland and Labrador is a product of their English, Irish, French, and Aboriginal heritage. A must-see destination for your bucket list. It should come as no surprise that airlines have introduced a new category for their worst seats, known informally as ''last class''. Name the worst mistake a pageant host can make. SURVEY SAYS ______________   I can only imagine what this woman is paid, and she doesn't know shiat from shinola about her job.
There are a few things President Obama would like the American public to forget, including the wasted trillion dollars in ''stimulus'' money.
A new study says those who are liberal in their use of swear words are not the lazy and uneducated individuals they are often made out to be. A unique road map to wealth in America. There are approximately 3.5 million professional truck drivers in the United States, according to estimates by the American Trucking Association.
A Grammar Nazi is someone who believes it's their duty to attempt to correct any grammar and/or spelling mistakes they observe. As we travel around the country in our motorhome, my wife often watches Sunday Mass on the internet. The Pilatus PC-12 aircraft  was equipped with 'Dirtbox' technology to scan tens of thousands of phones to identify possible suspects. A Texas plumber was flooded with death threats after his old truck, still emblazoned with his company’s name, was seen on the news being used by ISIS.
How much do you know about the ''date which will live in infamy''? American officials could have easily found the Japanese spy who set the stage for the Pearl Harbor attack - if only they had looked. Federal agencies do not require or seek ''concrete facts'' or ''irrefutable evidence'' that someone is a terrorist before adding them to official watch lists. British police officers are backing Donald Trump’s controversial claim that parts of the country are no-go areas because of growing Islamist extremism.
Immediately following the tragic shooting in San Bernardino, California, the local police frequencies were being listened to nationwide. Listen to thousands of radio communications, police, fire, ems, rail, amateur radio, and aircraft on According to this website, for a dog to be mentally stable, you as an owner must take your dog for daily walks to release mental and physical energy. Isolated villages, a rich oral history, and a strong connection to the natural environment have created a rich lexicon of coastal words in Newfoundland.
The Obama way of running the government has proven to be anything but transparent. Hamtramck, Michigan is the first American city where more than 50 per cent of the population is Muslim.  Comedian and social commentator Dennis Miller has high hopes for America after the next election. The internet provider was barred by a gag order from revealing that he had received a warrantless demand for customer information.
''We'll always have Paris'' - Casablanca 1942 The witness protection program is operated by the United States Marshals Service, protecting threatened witnesses before, during, and after a trial. The tradition of presenting the president with a turkey began in 1947 during Harry Truman’s first term. But Truman didn’t pardon that turkey, he ate it. Our entire society is rapidly rejecting traditional values regarding marriage, sex and family.
Guitars have a unique place in the history of music. Not only are they instruments, but they are living things with a history of their own. There have been other big blizzards, but none has taken so many lives as the 1940 storm in Minnesota. The effect of new gun laws in several states has been diluted by a thriving underground market for firearms brought from other states with few restrictions. The Onion publishes satirical articles on international, national, and local news. While intending to be fictional, The Onion got it freakishly right in 2003 on the Iraq war.
The Edmund Fitzgerald sank in Lake Superior during a gale storm on November 10th 1975. All 29 members of the crew perished. Military personnel usually do not fight and die for American freedom. Rather, they are employed to advance whatever policies, preferences, desires, or fantasies that dominate the denizens of Washington. No war in history attracts more controversy and myth than World War One. The Timeline allows users to look back at their daily movements on a map; that same information is also potentially of interest to law enforcement.
Richard Nixon continued to bomb Southeast Asia, knowing it was ineffective, but also that it would get him re-elected President in 1972. An illustrated searchable online catalog of historical information about roadside and other permanent outdoor markers, monuments, and plaques. Williams, Arizona serves as the South Rim gateway to the Grand Canyon, and was the last Route 66 town to be by-passed by Interstate 40. The ''Driftless Area'' of the Upper Midwest derives its name from the fact that the Glaciers of 12,000 years ago surrounded but did not pass over this land.
The Jersey Devil is a legendary creature or cryptid said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey. Each religion has its own idea of the ultimate goal of life, its own place for worshiping God or gods, its own rituals, and its own rules for living. This photo was supposedly captured by a hunter's automatic trail camera, and is making the rounds on social media. Is it real? In 1933, America's richest businessmen were in a panic, realizing that Roosevelt planned a massive redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor. Marine Corps Maj.-Gen. Smedley Butler was approached by men representing a clique of multi-millionaire industrialists and bankers. They hated U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) with a passion, and saw his ''New Deal'' policies as the start of a communist take-over that threatened their interests.
60 writing rules that journalists live by. Police are investigating the theft of material related to a lawsuit filed against the CIA  after a suspicious break-in at the University of Washington in Seattle. A take-no-prisoners defamation lawsuit by Idaho billionaire Frank VanderSloot cost Mother Jones magazine millions in legal fees. A story about the vivid memory of a young 12 year old boy, a rebuilt P-51 and its famous pilot.
The history of Obama’s most important foreign-policy victory is still being written. 12 travel destinations in the world that you need to put on your bucket list. An 1878 photograph that allegedly shows ''Billy The Kid'' and his gang, purchased for just $2 at a memorabilia shop, is now insured for $5 million. has a mapping feature ''Good Sam Club'' and ''Passport America'' don't have: Select STATE, then MAP, then the FILTER ''OPEN ALL YEAR''.
Recycling, though sometimes beneficial, all too often wastes resources, and programs usually lose money. It was a scandal many people believe to be true to this day, but the broadcast set off a tsunami of criticism that ended the career of CBS news anchor Dan Rather.
In 2012, Mother Jones magazine summarized George Bush's adventures in the Texas Air National Guard and the scandal that cost news anchor Dan Rather his job.
Be on the lookout, October 21, 2015 is the date Marty McFly visited in ''Back To The Future II''.
Heat a cast iron skillet over high heat and sear the entire outside of the roast. Then, leave the roast in the skillet and place in the oven for one hour at 350°F. In 1926, Johannes Fibiger won the Nobel for finding a parasitic worm that caused cancer. Later research showed the worm had no cancer-causing abilities. The drone has been President Obama's weapon of choice, used to hunt down and kill the people his administration has deemed worthy of execution. If your RV is hooked up in an RV park, laws have stated that it can be called a residence. But, if you're unhooked and capable of driving, you're in a vehicle.
In 1874, the Illinois farmer and New Hampshire native, fastening sharpened metal knots along thick threads of steel, created barbed wire. According to Father Joseph Jenkins, pastor of a church in Mitchellville, Maryland, Christians did a good job of killing each other, with plenty of blame to go around. Until 1937, celebrating ineptitude and poor navigation wasn’t part of the American landscape, and neither was celebrating barbaric, inhumane acts. Social security funds that are directly deposited get special protection from garnishment by judgment creditors. But, if the IRS is after you, the rules change.
Charley Parkhurst was found dead on December 18, 1879. But to the surprise of his friend's, Charlie was not who they thought he was. On  October 12, 1988, Donald Trump announced his acquisition of the Eastern Air Shuttle, providing service between New York, Washington, and Boston. Muslims are the sworn enemy of every other religion. As Turkish president Erdogan said, ''There is no radical Islam. There is no moderate Islam. Islam is Islam.''. The husband of this woman must be one happy guy. Now, get in the kitchen and start bakin' cookies!
Ted Kennedy's law brought 59 million foreigners to our shores, who happen to vote 8-2 for the Democrats, throwing nearly every election since. Camping has changed since I joined the Boy Scouts in 1954. Solar panels,. heaters, air conditioners. What? You don't have to be religious to believe in this. The story of the Good Samaritan had nothing to do with religion, everything to do with leading a good life. From the 1940's through the early '60's, incoming freshmen at Ivy League schools like Harvard, Yale, and Vassar, had to strip naked and have their pictures taken for science. That included Hillary Rodham.
Minnesota is one of only four states that has refused to implement the federal REAL ID Act of 2005, and the once far-off deadline of January 2016 is looming. According the author of this article, Hillary Clinton knowingly removed classified documents from government networks and placed them on her unauthorized and unsecure personal server. Without any realistic Syria plan, Obama has turned Putin into the world’s most powerful leader. Fly Geyser is a very little known tourist attraction, even to Nevada residents.
Islam requires all able-bodied Muslims to perform the Hajj once in a lifetime - and each year huge crowds are drawn to Mecca to carry out a series of rituals and prayers aimed at erasing past sins. Learn to travel free with travel rewards programs. Such a submarine would be robotic, capable of traveling at great depth, escape enemy vessels and maintain readiness for years. What could go wrong? If you’re looking for the center of the universe, look no farther than the Estero River just south of Fort Meyers, Florida, home of the Koreshan colony.
The Christian story of a savior born on December 25th was lifted almost word for word from previous deities, including Horus the Egyptian Sun God. There are more than 100,000 air-conditioned tents in Mina, about 8 km East of Mecca, providing temporary accommodation to 3 million pilgrims. While Europe struggles with the refugee crisis, Saudi Arabia, less than 1300 miles from Syria, has been largely unresponsive to the crisis. Wudu, or ablution, is both a traditional ritual and a practical means by which Muslims seek to maintain good physical and spiritual hygiene.
A single vial of antivenom that would cost more than $14,000 in the United States would only cost $100 to $200 in Mexico. Same medicine. Same manufacturer. What does the Bible say about the origin of man? Cedar Rapids, Iowa has become the ultimate speed trap in the Midwest, sending out tickets at an unprecedented rate. In February, 2015, President Obama said Christians shouldn’t ''get on their high horse'' about the Islamic State and Islam, citing the Crusades, the Inquisition and slavery, all undertaken in the name of Christ.
Statistics such as the unemployment rate tell only part of the story of the Great Depression. More important was the impact that it had on people's lives: the Depression brought hardship, homelessness, and hunger to millions. Dorothea Lange's famous 1936 photograph says it all. The ''Stolen 911'' website has a search feature to find your stolen property on Craigslist. Garage sales can bring out the worst in people. Some people take their religion a little too seriously.
The 15 unfriendliest cities in the world. Myth #6: Fill your bathtubs with water for drinking. That will be fine for flushing the toilet, but you need go out a buy a few cases of bottled drinking water. According to the author, to say the day created by the labor movement pays tribute to workers is like saying Mosquito Day pays tribute to hikers. Burning Man takes place in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, and the desert is trying its best to kill you.
Gypsies have undergone centuries of persecution, random and sporadic until the 20th century, when they were systematically slaughtered during the Holocaust. There are occasions when a parent decides to leave more of the estate to one child than the others or to disinherit one child completely.  FRONTLINE investigates the accusations of criminality and corruption that have surrounded the rise and reign of Vladimir Putin. Enter an essay contest to win the Deerfield Valley Inn, a 9 room country inn in the Mount Snow area of southern Vermont. Click to learn more.
A head of iceberg lettuce has about the same moisture content as a 1-liter bottle of water, and is only marginally more nutritious. My copy of this first edition book is signed by both the author and Charles Lindbergh. Search thousands of booksellers selling millions of books at A Pew Research Study done in 2007 confirmed what we pretty much already knew: the average American is dumber than a box of rocks. Getting a radio to work in cars wasn't easy. Generators and  spark plugs caused static, making it difficult to listen to the radio with the engine running.
Last Week Tonight host John Oliver attacks America’s ''prosperity gospel'' preachers, evangelists who bilk followers out of hundreds of millions of dollars. If you want to experience what it’s like to shoot as a combat photographer, but don’t want to risk getting shot at, look into photographing war reenactments. In 1890 Bismarck backed a retirement age of 70, a time of life when he felt most people were disabled from work by age. Tyndale was brought to trial for heresy, for believing, among other things, in the forgiveness of sins and the mercy offered in the gospel was enough for salvation.
The Nixon Committee for the Re-Election of the President (CREEP), was a Republican campaign entity that used funds from its coffers to pay for, and later cover up, dirty tricks performed against opponents. The author says it is time for a special prosecutor to be named to conduct an investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s likely commission of multiple felonies. College students, and lots of other people, are discovering they can find real deals at thrift stores and re-sell them on eBay or Craig's List. Hillary Clinton's email troubles began when her private address was exposed by a Romanian hacker. Now the resulting scandal threatens to torpedo her presidential ambitions.
All movies employ poetic license, including this one, but the story is reasonably true to the actual saving of artwork during World War II. With two-paycheck parents commuting it is becoming increasingly common to buy a house and eight years later realize that you have never met your neighbors. Turns out, Cecil the Lion was no choir boy. In argumentation and informal logic, a method of refuting an opponent's claim by extending the logic of the opponent's argument to a point of absurdity.
Babysitters today (particularly the good ones) make well over minimum wage — and in some cities average more than $15 an hour. Getting rid of your stuff can be difficult. Things have value to you, or you believe you'll have a practical use for them someday in the future. The government has paid billions to buy power wheelchairs. It has no idea how many of the claims are bogus. The DuMont Television Network operated from 1946 to 1956, competing with ABC, CBS, and NBC with shows like "Life is Worth Living" with Bishop Sheen.
In 1945, the USS Indianapolis was sunk by a Japanese submarine, but the ship's sinking was just the beginning of the sailors' nightmare. Windows 10 Mail looks like an improvement. It has the same basic layout as the 8.1 version but makes more options visible instead of hiding them behind gestures, in keeping with Microsoft’s move back toward a more desktop-centric operating system. China has been feverishly piling sand onto reefs in the South China Sea for the past year, creating seven new islets in the region. A year before F. Scott Fitzgerald died of a heart attack, he completed a short story about a hard-drinking writer diagnosed with cardiac disease.
You can't outlive the Internal Revenue Service, no matter how old you are. But, if all you have is Social Security, a small pension, and a few bucks of outside income, you may not have to file a tax return. The Sultana was a Mississippi River steamboat paddle wheeler destroyed in an explosion on April 27, 1865, the greatest maritime disaster in United States history. Donald Trump is rich, and you’re not, because he knows one the biggest secret to making a fortune, and you don’t. The hottest day of the year varies across the country, from as early as late June in portions of the Southwest to as late as September along the West Coast.
The flux capacitor in Dr. Emmett Brown's car made time travel possible in ''Back to the Future'', but experts say going back in time really can't be done. A great percentage of college students would be far better off, and get a jump on life, by going to trade school. Facing a selfie election, presidential hopefuls grin and bear it. Feeling left out that Trump hasn’t gotten around to insulting you or your friends? Here’s an app for that.
Indian legend says a giant bear made the hundreds of parallel cracks in Devils Tower with his claws, and the ancient name of ''Bear Lodge'' should be restored. GrubHub helps you find and order food from wherever you are. Type in an address and find restaurants that deliver as well as showing pickup restaurants near you. The customer is not always right. Milk, does it really do a body good?
After years of telling us to conserve energy, and drive less in more energy efficient cars, now the government wants to track our every move and tax us for it. According to the Cato Institute, the average federal civilian worker earns 74% more in wages and benefits than the average private sector employee. Confessions of a submariner: ''forget The Hunt for Red October or Crimson Tide. If you want to know what it's like on a submarine watch Down Periscope''. A 16-inch pizza isn't double the size of an 8-inch, it's actually four times as big, often at just twice the price.
Mark Trail is a newspaper comic strip created by cartoonist Ed Dodd in 1946, the strip centers on environmental and ecological themes. The most charitable way of explaining the election of 2012 is that Americans voted for the status quo – for the incumbent President and for a divided Congress. A small private firm in the US has developed a surveillance system of Orwellian proportions that could very well be the future of big brother.  At the 2014 U.S.-African Leaders’ Summit in Washington, President Obama appears to be flashing the one-finger affirmation of Islamic faith to dozens of African delegates. Does he know what he is doing?
The story of Tusko's life is a painful, instructive and sometimes beautiful journey, but mostly painful. The futuristic TWA Flight Center  at John F. Kennedy International Airport, built in 1962, has been closed and off-limits to the public since 2001. But, you can see the photos of how it looks today. In order to show respect to the flag and all it symbolizes, it is tradition to have a certain etiquette when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. A Capitol 4th of July from PBS.  Tonight at 8 pm Eastern.
Even as the old Confederacy’s political banner fades, its long-term economic prospects shine bright. The author calls Eleanor Roosevelt a saint because she models the process of transformation through a dark night of the soul to resurrection. A U.S. attorney issued a grand jury subpoena to for all identifying information on commenters to a particular article, demanding IP addresses, names, emails, and other information. The Supreme Court didn't take away the right of employers to fire you, or landlords from evicting you, if they have strong beliefs against homosexuality.
Wait until you find out what you've been doing wrong with aluminum foil all of your life. Capt. Frederick Benteen commanded one of Custer's three wings after Custer divided his troops on June 25, 1876. Custer's famous order directed Benteen to ''Be quick, bring packs.'' (pack horses with ammunition). Frank Finkel rose to prominence late in his life and after his death for his claims to being the only survivor of George Armstrong Custer's famed ''Last Stand'' at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. If it wasn't on Global Air, you don't need to know it.
Is your dad an unlikable loser? You're not alone. Some adult children feel their parents could have done a better job raising them, and have a hard time forgiving. 'Better', for some, would be more money. At 461 miles per hour at 20,000 feet and faster than any Allied fighter, this German plane was the world's first operational jet bomber. Custer gave damning testimony in the corruption trial of Secretary of War William W. Belknap, and President Grant's brother Fred, both accused of taking kickbacks to manage territorial trading posts.

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