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The author says work isn't all it's cracked up to be. St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota. What a great place for men who like young boys to live anonymously with others of like mind. Remember when traveling by air was an event, and you dressed for the occasion? Not anymore. You may be ruining your food!
General McInerney believes when all comes out, Obama will rue the day he decided to spy on Trump. It's time to plan your family summer vacation. When it comes to classic roadside attractions, South Dakota boasts some of the best. Can the pioneering party leader survive Democratic chaos and Donald Trump’s America? It was supposed to open in 2012 and cost 2 billion euros. The tab for Berlin Brandenburg Airport is now running in excess of 6 billion. It finally opened in 2020.
The history of the Maine State Police and their license plates. Don't worry, you won't get pulled over by this motorhome, it is a mobile crime lab. The untold story of how Edward Snowden risked everything to contact Glenn Greenwald — and changed the world forever. The contact came in an email from someone calling himself Cincinnatus, a reference to Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, the Roman farmer who, in the fifth century BC, was appointed dictator of Rome. A Coddiwompler is someone who travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination. As a full-time RVer, that's a good definition of me. Front license plates are disliked by many for a variety of reasons, but another group, which includes law enforcement officers, sees the issue differently.
New England’s seafood industry is in deep trouble, thanks in no small part to one mogul’s seriously shady business. Exploring America’s back roads and small towns and finding overlooked gems that the tourist brochures never cover. Visitors from as far as Europe and Asia started booking hotel rooms months ago in Wyoming and Idaho where they will be able to see the eclipse. George Francis ''Gabby'' Hayes (1885  - 1969) was an American radio, film, and television actor. He was best known for his numerous appearances in Western films as the colorful sidekick of the leading man.
Hopefully, that isn't your daughter up there giving the boys a little peek. Here are some tips to share with her before she heads South for Spring Break.
How big was Torey Southwick in Kansas City? Big enough for Roger Miller to write a song about him.
Roger Miller's Song
In a country controlled by the deep state, members of the armed forces and intelligence agencies can overthrow presidents they don’t like. A biography of the now-retired talk show host portrays Letterman as a self-loathing and often miserable man who inflicted his pain on his staff.
It all sounds like the fiction one finds in a James Bond movie. Only this time, it might be real. Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed off on both FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance) Court requests to wiretap the Trump campaign. The March 2017 changes may be the start of the end for the Border Overflight Exemption. Is the FBI catching real terrorists or tricking troubled individuals into volunteering for a long prison sentence? The Hester case is a good example.
Calling Obama out for the wiretaps is President Trump’s first step in dismantling the NSA utilizing every person’s phone calls for miscellaneous purposes. On the talk show circuit, Nancy Pelosi denies that Obama would have wire-tapped Donald Trump, saying ''We don't do that''. Wikileaks says otherwise. Leaks from  the Central Intelligence Agency, code named ''Vault 7'' by WikiLeaks, is the largest ever publication of secret documents from the agency. The Russo videos are all about RVing and RV Life.
A closeted Trump supporter working deep inside hyper-liberal CNN has behind the scenes footage of ''The Most Trusted Name In News.'' Bodily waste is a part of our life. Every animal has it. As humans, we are just more ingenious at hiding it. The topic and language in this article may be NSFW. A Dutch couple are living the dream of  travelling around the world in a a Volkswagen motorhome with their pet dogs, while working as digital nomads. Nancy Pelosi ''forgot'' she met with Russian diplomats many times, and is following a Democratic formula for dealing with every Russia/Trump revelation.
Many believe the actress Katie Holmes simply traded one cult for another.  CAUTION:  If you are deeply religious, this article may be offensive to you. Misleading statements by presidential administrations are not grounds for FBI investigations. During the last two weeks of February, the angle of the setting sun transforms the 2,130-foot Horsetail Falls into what is nicknamed ''The Yosemite Firefall.'' Barack Obama is working behind the scenes to set up a shadow government to not only protect his legacy, but also to sabotage the incoming administration.
ZergNet has an interesting way of showing dozens of stories on a single page. Those for the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the U.S. try to compare what is happening to the 1939 plight of the Jewish people. There is no comparison. There are thousands of Walmarts across the U.S. that allow overnight parking.  In some cases this had led to the development of whole communities. Back in the day, the red and white we associate with good grooming used to represent blood, bandages, leeches and pain.
Pat says clipping of the court's wings is overdue.
''Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road, Healthy, free, the world before me, The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.''                   -  Walt Whitman  (1819-1892)
Walt Whitman's Poem

In 2013, I wrote about taking the missus on a romantic getaway. I was a lot younger then. The countries are: Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. When these kids get old enough to vote, President Chelsea will win in a landslide.
Government agencies no longer have to break into our home or car, we're planting the bugs for them. The Amazon Echo is not the only such device; others include personal assistants like Google Home, Google Now, Apple’s Siri, Windows Cortana, as well as other devices including televisions, game consoles, cars and toys. President Trump to Bill O'Reilly who called Russian President Putin a killer : ''There are a lot of killers. We got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent?'' Click for some possible examples. The American people were shocked when told that Russia might have meddled in the 2016 presidential election. Who would do such a thing? Jordan's official news agency says a hacker inserted a false story on their system about Saudi Arabia royalty funded 20% of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
Gary Webb revealed ties between the CIA, the Nicaraguan contras, and the crack cocaine trade ravaging African-Americans. They killed him for it. According to legend, if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter weather. A nun has incurred the wrath of the Catholic Church by suggesting on a daytime TV show that the Virgin Mary wasn't really a virgin. According to the author, The only positive would be for Chelsea to lose a congressional race, teaching Dems a lesson they've continuously failed to learn.
Is it a comb over? Absolutely. But what is Trump combing over? He appears to have a full head of hair. Hillary Clinton is considering a new television show to help her stay in the limelight and prepare for another White House run in 2020. A 1935 Pontiac with matching Turquoise ''Canned Ham'' travel trailer. An elderly woman demanded a Donald Trump supporter seated next to her be moved, but she quickly found out that’s not how the world works.
Most seniors know that there will come a day when they’ll have to downsize. A British sniper in Iraq killed three ISIS terrorists with one bullet that killed two of them instantly before ricocheting into a third. A stroll down the past three decades of ''Doonesbury'' reads like a road map to Donald Trump's candidacy. Aviation photos of the Second World War make us smile, grimace, scratch our heads, or give us pause to reflect on the effort, the memories and the waste.
How many alligators are there in Florida? Lots. If you haven't seen the 2016 movie ''Snowden'', you need to put your cell phone in the microwave, grab your car keys, and run out to buy or rent a copy. Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only person who will ever have FOUR presidential inaugurations (thanks to the 22nd Amendment). Florida's top vacation destinations include Disney World, the Keys, Daytona Beach, and more.
Showing everything that's awesome in Florida. People who use methamphetamine may experience anxiety, confusion, insomnia, moodiness and display violent behavior. And, that's just for starters. More evidence mounts that the US government was secretly assisting the Islamic State. Here are a few instances when the Central Intelligence Agency worked to overthrow foreign governments.
Hillary was so sure that she'd win, she already had a cabinet, top white house jobs, and ambassadorships picked out.
Democrats were outraged that the Russians played with our 2016 election, (something we now know was a false story paid for by Hillary Clinton) but don't want you to know about their own Senator Ted Kennedy's secret dealings with the KGB to undermine Presidents Carter and Reagan. Peter Cushing reprised his role as Grand Moff Tarkin in ''Rogue One: A Star Wars Story'', despite the inconvenient fact that he died in 1994. Criminal behavior that, given the human lives at stake and the decade of carnage that followed in Southeast Asia, may be more reprehensible than anything Nixon did in Watergate. Political appointees, including U.S. Ambassadors, who got their jobs by raising money for Obama campaigans, are out of a job on Inauguration Day.
Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Interim Police Chief Sara Rice says a policing dispute with the county has had an impact on public safety on a reservation already grappling with a heroin epidemic. Knowing how to plan a camping trip is crucial if you want to enjoy this time with nature and away from all the usual perks of modern life In the 18th century, architect Samuel Bentham designed a building where every occupant would be seen by a hidden inspector located in a central tower. This group of anti-vaccine enthusiasts say the government has been experimenting on your kids, and you and I are next.
The royal family’s fortune derives from the reserves of petroleum discovered during the reign of King Abdulaziz ibn Saud in the 1930's. New Year’s Eve may be an important tradition for some, but for the Scots, something much bigger goes down: Hogmanay. Here's a guessing game with scary implications:     How much of America does Saudi Arabia own? If you're spending the winter in Florida, and you've seen all the regular tourist traps, this book will give you some new places to investigate.
The Environmental Protection Agency has become a state within a state. The agency, created by President Nixon's executive order, is too corrupt to be reformed.
PolitiFact is beefing up coverage of fake news to help readers better sort out fact from fiction.
''Some Chicken! Some Neck!''  Simple words, but ones that captured the resolve of a people to fight on to victory.
Hear the actual speech
In some Latin American countries, including Mexico and Brazil, it's believed the color of your underwear will influence what kind of year you'll have.
Cindy Stowell, a 'Jeopardy' contestant whose lifelong dream was to appear on the quiz show died from cancer just days before her episode was due to air. About to get your 15 minutes of fame?  Call us first! If your confirmed blood pressure is over 180/110 call 9-1-1 immediately. The origins of Christmas predate Christianity through the Pagan holiday called Saturnalia, which was a weeklong of lawlessness from December 17th through December 25th that honored Saturn and included human sacrifice, intoxication, naked caroling and rape. During these seven days, there were no punishments for breaking any laws.
Here are four examples that underscore Google’s corporate ethos that any data it can grab is Google’s for the taking. ''Unbuilt Washington,'' at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C, highlights over 100 architectural projects proposed for the capital. Everyone loves the excitement of a conspiracy theory. PETA is protesting wool clothing, because apparently industries that rely on keeping animals alive and healthy are baaaaad.
There's no shortage of scandals in New York City. A behind-the-scenes visit to North Carolina’s grandest home reveals more than the inner workings of a mansion. Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia, has been a vacation destination for more than 3,500 years. Waiting for my marguerita in a Mexican restaurant, I accessed email on my iphone using their WI-FI, and suddenly everyone on Facebook knew where I was.
This smartphone application enables the user to find local TV stations and show where to point the directional antenna on most recreational vehicles. The decline in football game viewership on television underscores a bigger truth that no one wants to face: Nothing lasts forever. Beer goes well with meatless and vegan foods. For RVers, having enough 12 volts to power everything is really important. Both of these wiring examples will work, but one will result in early battery failure.
moviegoers love films with inspirational speeches. The Halifax Explosion started when two ships collided in the harbor of the Nova Scotian capital of Halifax. A Norwegian ship, the SS Imo, had slammed into the SS Mont-Blanc, a French ship filled to the brim with TNT, picric acid, benezole, and guncotton. Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor was the first step in the “Southern Operation,” an attempt to invade and conquer resource-rich Southeast Asia. By crippling American naval power in the Pacific, Japan hoped to consolidate and strengthen its hold on its conquests before the United States could rearm. An analysis done in 1948 of the events at Pearl Harbor, where both army and navy commands acted as if there was no chance of a Japanese overseas attack.
Search this database to find a good German restaurant near you. For years, I sent a dozen roses to my mother on my birthday. I wrote about it in 2011. The Rocky and Bullwinkle television show starred Rocky the flying squirrel, Bullwinkle, his motley friend, and two Pottsylvanian spies, Boris and Natasha. There are compelling modern reasons to write, but they're nothing like the ones that sparked the invention of writing itself.
What is Norman Rockwell's iconic 1943 Thanksgiving painting really about? John F. Kennedy had formally decided to withdraw from Vietnam, whether we were winning or not. In 1987, Bill Moyers exposed the inner workings of a secret government much more vast that most people would ever imagine.
Tyler Kent on BBC Newsnight 1982 documentary ''Churchill's Road to War''. If Tyler Kent had succeeded in making public his collection of evidence, he would have unleashed an outcry for President Roosevelt's removal from office.
The military budget is the money spent each year not to defend the United States, but to enrich the military-industrial complex, benefit special interests, regime-change countries overseas, maintain a global U.S. military empire, and provide defense to favored allies. The TV Dinner was invented in 1953, when Swanson over-estimated how many turkeys they'd sell for Thanksgiving, and had to get rid of 260 tons of birds. Thanksgiving  is a blend of two traditions: the New England custom of rejoicing after a successful harvest, and the Puritan Thanksgiving, a religious observance combining prayer and feasting. On November 26, 1941, the Japanese carrier task force formed around six carriers and sailed from Hittokappu Bay in the Kuriles, its departure shrouded in secrecy.
The protesters want a ''do over'', and next time they promise to actually vote, many did not. Pat Buchanan: As for promptings that he trim or temper his agenda to pacify the losers, Trump should reject the poisoned chalice. This is the same old con. The women who dug the graves, the kids who watched the largest battle in US history – and the slaves forced to help fighters at the front. A trip back to when life was simpler. Turn up your speakers and enjoy.
Had half the people who voted for Gary Johnson and Jill Stein voted for Hillary, she would have won.
Stephen Colbert Video
In 2016, these people said if Donald Trump won the presidential election they'd leave the country. Well, they didn't, and now are threatening to do the same thing in 2024. Curly Bill from the movie ''Tombstone'' said it best. See if you can survive without these people. Say what you will about Michael Moore, he had this election accurately figured out months ago, and his article is worth reading. The 2016 election offered a cornucopia of potential Shakespearean characters and plots.
A century and a half ago, time zones didn’t exist. They were a consequence of the invention of railroads. The moment of truth for an anxious nation. That long forgotten youthful indiscretion, or an alcohol related driving offense, may very well bar entry into Canada. Repeating the mistake of the Chicago Daily Tribune newspaper in 1948, Newsweek printed and shipped magazines announcing the wrong winner.
How do the Millennials of today compare with the Silent Generation of 50 years ago? A sky littered with aircraft, each frozen in different moments of takeoff or landing, all in one photograph. South Carolina Congressman Harold Watson ''Trey'' Gowdy III sports some unusual haircuts. Scientists have discovered that our memories aren't as permanent as we once thought.
Elmer J. Fudd is one of the most famous Looney Tunes characters, and the de facto archenemy of Bugs Bunny. Robert A. Hoover was an air show pilot, Air Force test pilot and fighter pilot. Known as the ''pilot's pilot'', Hoover revolutionized modern aerobatic flying and was referred to in many aviation circles as one of the greatest pilots ever to have lived. In 2012, Steve Weaver wrote about aviation legend Bob Hoover. Please consider sponsoring a millennial today, and help them live the lives they portray on Instagram.
While a lot of the National Enquirer stories are hokum, they have broken some real and important ones. Could this be one of them? Bill Clinton said, according to the article in this extremely factual publication, that Donald Trump would make a better president than his own wife. 11 crazy National Enquirer stories that turned out to be true. The real reason FBI Director James Comey didn't recommend prosecution for Hillary was that if he did, he'd also have to include President Obama.
Catholics are told to believe their church was founded by Jesus Christ himself, but actually it was slapped together by followers who borrowed heavily from existing pagan religions. Creepy clown sightings are cropping up across the country without explanation. In 2011, Newsweek magazine found that 29% of Americans were unable to correctly identify the current Vice President, Joe Biden. Wait 'till they get the bill for those $12 paper cups for pills that McDonald's gives away free for your catsup.
About to get your 15 minutes of fame?  Call us first! In the name of emotional well-being, college students are increasingly demanding protection from words and ideas they don’t like. 'Last Week Tonight' does real journalism, no matter what John Oliver says. Liberals want you to think our elections are squeaky clean, but tampering is commonplace.
Colin Powell says Hillary is a greedy defender of the status quo and Bill is still dicking bimbos at home. Woodrow Wilson had a stroke, no one outside of the White House knew it (no radio, television, or internet, just newspapers) and his wife secretly ran the country, becoming the first woman president. Somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, there is a bronze chest filled with gold and precious gems After committing murder, Adam Emery faked his own death and disappeared. The FBI is still looking for him.
National debt of United States illustrated in a clear way so that everybody can understand. The world is laughing at our government. In response to the September 11th crisis with virtually no warning, over 6,700 passengers arrived over the next few hours, and Gander welcomed them all. All good things must come to an end and, sooner or later, so must humanity’s stint on Earth.
This operating system was developed right here in the good old United States of America, not outsourced to some country that worships cows. The Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon was an annual telethon held each Labor Day in the United States to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy. The cost of child care varies widely across states, and the cost of living in each state also affects the affordability of child care for families. Hacked email from assistant Huma Abedin: ''Did u take your earpiece or do I need to get it?''
Burning Man celebrates its 30th anniversary, growing from a tiny summer solstice bonfire in 1986 to a powerful cultural phenomenon. Once again, politicians will prove they can bribe voters with promises of continued good times and free everything, paid for with other people's money. Custer State Park in the Black Hills of South Dakota is home to one of the world's largest bison herds, with an annual roundup the last Friday of September. The pilot's phallic voyage began innocently enough when he took off from Kissimmee Airport in Florida and flew to 1,800 feet. Then, he started to draw.
In 1973, the Department of Defense was looking for a device that could quickly inject an easily deliverable antidote for nerve gas. The declassified 28 pages from the inquiry into intelligence community activities before and after the terrorist attacks of September 11. The flat earth model contends that the Earth exists on a giant flat plain, with the Arctic at the center. Despite ongoing scandals, Clinton’s close yet questionable ties to media outlets such as Google, CNN, PBS and The New York Times have seemed to pay off. These entities have gone out of their way to censor negative stories about Clinton, particularly ones involving the Clinton Foundation. There’s one common thread though these media outlets suppressing harmful Clinton stories all share: they’ve donated to the Clinton Foundation.
It’s possible to get homemade baked goodies, including pizza, breaded chicken, blueberry pie and chocolate chip cookies, even when you’re camping. Files containing evidence of Hillary Clinton's stinging humiliation of her friend and mentor Vince Foster in front of White House aides that triggered his suicide a week later are missing. ''Slideshow'' has become a dirty word on the Web, and with good reason. What's next? Members of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster demanding to wear pasta strainers instead of Smokey Bear hats?
Over 60% of MOB’s reported last year didn’t know how to swim, and boaters need to learn what to do. For the past 25 years or so, I've gone to the barbershop in Zimmerman, Minnesota for a hair cut. The Enchanted Highway is a North Dakota roadside curiosity that has a rather enchanting story to accompany it. ''Last Week Tonight'' host John Oliver , tired of all the quotes attributed to people who never said them, has created a website full of false quotations.
The sale to Russia of 20% of existing U.S. uranium production, and 50% of potential reserves, may well be the issue that takes down Hillary Clinton Beyond military use, the Airlander 10 is expected to appeal to governments and businesses that need to deliver cargo to remote locations. People want news but they don’t want to pay for it. On the morning of January 15th, 2009, pilot Chesley Sullenberger pulled off the impossible.

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